Saturday, March 11, 2017

For real.

The immersive world of Augmented Reality a la Iron Man and the like. Superimposed info streams giving us the edge on plain old reality.  Looks exciting in a way that makes me feel like I need a cup of tea and a lie down. I get it in theory but where am I going to fit the extra information in on top of what is already going on between my ears without blowing a gasket.

Let me set the scene for you taking my morning train ride as a fairly indicative example of my inner world.

7:30am The inside of my head reverberates with a constant sound track. There is always some ear worm or another playing, creating the internal atmosphere. It's usually the last thing I heard on Spotify or a selection of teen pop hits from some Uber ride that have lodged permanently in my head taking up valuable and limited hard drive space and bandwidth in general. I think I forgot math so I could learn all the words to "Closer" by The Chainsmokers.

Over the pop music there is the constant narrative- you know how in action movies the sniper guys have an ear piece with intel being piped in by Ops? It's like that but much less useful- (Imagine here the walkie talkie sound- Kheeeeeek) "Hey look at that! I wonder if she knows that her top is on inside out? Wait, are your clothes on the right way? Shoes, pants... Oh good. Why is that person smiling at you? Oh maybe there is something on your face... Did you remember to turn the gas off... What is the Spanish word for... Kheeeeeek.

At the same time there is the Terminator style heads up display in my mind's eye but with completely spurious  information. Like the guy opposite me on the train looks a bit like that guy from that movie, yeah that one, whats his name? Facial recognition activated-  Running possibilities. Possible match found.  List(all movies staring that guy) Sort(movies staring that guy I haven't seen but might like to) Wonder(are they are on Netflix?). This process may or may not have that computer cursor sound effect for fun.

Interrupted by someone conversing loudly over my internal dialogue. Mentally running Dexter style plans to do them in and not get caught. I'd be doing the whole carriage a favour. Seriously.  Evaluate the possibility of getting away with it as informed by all tv shows- in fast forward. May or may not involve ending with the Wilhelm scream each time. Reevaluate as a vast overreaction... Sorry, you were saying?

Start to wonder about one thing- wonder about everything. Ok Google... 
Mental list(everything I've ever wanted to learn, make, do) 
Overwhelm. System is getting a bit crispy round the edges. Need a cup of tea. Breathe.

And for some light relief there is this vision of the future by Keiichi Matsuda

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